26-06-2019 - 12-07-2019

Ashadhi Waree is our signature project for 15 days , and during this waree our Clubs doctors provide medical treatment and support to warkaries free of cost tota; 15 days. every year our doctors give this support to only one route and our ambulance goes with palkhi of dnyaneshwar mauli , but this year our doctors served in other route also , that is palkhi of tukaram maharaj . treatment for cold cough , fever flu etc, minor surgeries operated , snake, dog and bite and even treatment for diarrhea also given to warkaries . many time our non doctor members also accompany doctors they use to massage warkaries for leg pains and joint pains .

Project Details

Start Date 26-06-2019
End Date 12-07-2019
Project Cost
Rotary Volunteer Hours 0
No of direct Beneficiaries 0
Partner Clubs
Non Rotary Partners
Project Category Disease prevention and treatment